
目前顯示的是 9月, 2021的文章

Structure of /etc/passwd file

Login name : Filtered pass : User ID : Group ID : Full name : Home path : Default Shell

YUM/yum options on CentOS/RHEL Linux

$sudo yum deplist  [Package]       # Display Dependencies for a package $sudo yum list avaliable   # List package names from repositories $sudo yum list installed $sudo yum update         # update one or all packages on your system $sudo yum update [Package] $sudo yum search [term]     # Search name and description from a term $sudo yum install [Package]  #Install a package from a repository to your system $sudo yum remove [Package]   #erase a package [ and possible dependencies ] from a repository to your system $sudo yumdownloader  [Package] #download a package from a repo to current directory   references https://access.redhat.com/sites/default/files/attachments/rh_yum_cheatsheet_1214_jcs_print-1.pdf https://access.redhat.com/articles/yum-cheat-sheet

Use Linux commnad wall to broadcast message with nobanner

1. wall -n 2. enter your message to broadcast 3. Ctrl+D reference https://www.howtoforge.com/linux-wall-command/

Disable Web service on CISCO 9300 Catalyst Switch

1. ssh  [cisco-ip] -l [cisco-account]  #  prompt > 2. enable   # to enable mode 3. configure terminal 4.  no ip http server no ip http secure-server references https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/136566-securing-cisco-catalyst-2960-web-interface https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-use-keyboard-interactive-authentication-with-putty

MS IIS with Letsencrypt SSL/TLS on MS Windows

 1. download win-acme from https://www.win-acme.com Ex. version 2.1.18 https://github.com/win-acme/win-acme/releases/download/v2.1.18/win-acme.v2.1.18.1119.x64.pluggable.zip 2. unzip win-acme.v2.1.18.1119.x64.pluggable.zip 3. execute wacs.exe  with cmd.exe to run  as administrator 4. Modify web.config to rewrite  https with IIS rewrite module https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite   references https://www.ssl.com/how-to/redirect-http-to-https-with-windows-iis-10 https://aboutssl.org/iis-redirection-http-to-https https://ruslany.net/2009/04/10-url-rewriting-tips-and-tricks Letsencrypt ACME https://letsencrypt.org/en/docs/client-options