
目前顯示的是 7月, 2021的文章

MS Windows 10 KB5004237 patch 更新問題或發生藍屏

1. 請先移除如 Sophos, Avast 等防毒軟體 2. services.exe停用Windows update服務後,刪除 C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ 內的所有檔案與資料夾 3. services.exe啟用Windows update,並重新啟動系統 4. 開始->控制台->更新與安全性->更新修復 5.跟隨更新步驟,重開機

Threat map geography 各種即時網路威脅地圖

https://threatmap.checkpoint.com / http://threatmap.fortiguard.com / https://livethreatmap.radware.com/ https://cybermap.kaspersky.com /  https://map.lookingglasscyber.com / https://www.imperva.com/cyber-threat-attack-map /  https://www.fireeye.com/cyber-map/threat-map.html  Taiwan is one of TOP 5 targeted countries on 2021/07/21   Banking Trojans 為首?臺灣的銀行被入侵為高頻率?!

shorten URL security issues and prevent them

1. use + sign behind of shortened URL eg. If URL is https://bitly.com/GVBQJS manually input https://bitly.com/GVBQJS+ 2. unshorten them with below website http://urlxray.com/ https://unshorten.it/ reference https://safecomputing.umich.edu/be-aware/phishing-and-suspicious-email/shortened-url-security

各家網路速度測試 Network Speed Test

 1. speedtest.net https://www.speedtest.net/             2. Netflix https://fast.com/zh/tw/  3. Google   https://projectstream.google.com/speedtest 4. AT&T https://www.att.com/support/speedtest/   5. speed.io https://www.speed.io/ 6. speedcheck.org https://www.speedcheck.org/    7. NTU speed test http://speed5.ntu.edu.tw/

How to show dashboard and metrics of iPhone

                                                                     references https://www.tmonews.com/2015/10/latest-band-12-lte-sightings-in-florida-california-kentucky-and-massachusetts/

CISCO IOS instructions with enable mode

> en => enable #config t  => config -> terminal   config)# hostname  portal config)# interface f0/1 => interface FastEthernet0/1 config-if)# no shutdown     @ vlan setting  wifi and cable locate at different vlan tag, eq wifi is at second-vlan @ create vlan 3 directly

Capture audio on Mac OS by OBS

1. download blackhole 2ch version from https://existential.audio/blackhole / and install  2. open audio MIDI Setup.app and clikc left down + sign to add new Multi Output Device Select MacBook Pro both Speaker and BlackHole 2ch         3. move cursor to Multi Output Device and right click mouse to set it to be the default speaker 4. download OBS app from https://obsproject.com/download and install it 5. execute OBS App and and choose Audio Output Capture                   6. Choose Device is BlackHole 2ch and click OK, and then Audio Mixer will have fluctuant channel bars as follow figures                       7. Click Start Recording and the video file will be stored in ~/movie folder by default.     refereces https://streamlabs.com/content-hub/post/capturing-desktop-audio-in-streamlabs-obs-for-mac

CentOS 7/8 多網卡單路由無法連線問題

在CentOS 7/8之下, 多網卡,多IP多埠會影響只能用一個IP正常上網,主因為rp_filter影響。           此時使用指令 $ sysctl  -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=2 或是編輯 /etc/sysctl.conf 編輯 /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf $ sysctl -p References  https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/networking/ip-sysctl.html https://forums.centos.org/viewtopic.php?t=54394 https://access.redhat.com/solutions/53031

VMware for CentOS 8.X patch for compiling vmnet and vmmon errors

1. su -   2. dnf update    # lastest kernel version 3. download source bundle from https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-pro/workstation-pro-evaluation.html and run bundle file  ./VMware-XXXX.bundle  4. download patch from https://github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/tree/workstation-16.1.2 5. unpack vmware-host-modules 6. cd  vmware-host-modules  7. make && make install 8. su -l yourusername 9. vmware     References https://communities.vmware.com/t5/VMware-Workstation-Pro/Cannot-upgrade-VMware-Workstation-16-1-X-build-modules-on-RHEL-8/td-p/2847782